2 看看系统locale的设置,可以使用locale命令查看当前的locale设置,可以使用如下命令设置locale。
3 下面是手册中关于国际化的一段说法,按照下面的说法,应该是不管有没有设置weblogic的字符集,他都会正确处理多字节字符,默认使用的是utf-8。
Often the default character sets used by WebLogic Server are adequate and you do not need to explicitly specify a character set for a Web Service. For example, if a client application specifies its preferred character set, and there is no character set specified for a Web Service, then WebLogic Server responds by using the client's preferred character set. Also, non-internationalized WebLogic Server instances use the US-ASCII character set by default, and internationalized WebLogic Server instances use the UTF-8 character set by default, and both of these character sets are compatible when one WebLogic Server instance is communicating with the other. This also means that a Web Service running on a non-internationalized WebLogic Server instance can handle multi-byte characters correctly.
Order of Precedence of Character Set Configuration Used By WebLogic Server
The following list shows the order by which WebLogic Server determines the character set of a WebLogic Web Service when it is creating the SOAP response to an invoke of one of its operations:
1. The value of the charset attribute in the corresponding
If this is not set, then WebLogic Server looks at the following:
2. The character set preferred by the client application that invoked the Web Service operation. If your client application uses the WebLogic Web Services client APIS, the character set is specified using the weblogic.webservice.binding.BindingInfo.setAcceptCharset() method.
If this is not set, then WebLogic Server looks at the following:
3. The value of the WebLogic Server system property weblogic.webservice.i18n.charset.
If this is not set, then WebLogic Server looks at the following:
4. The character set specified for the JVM. Specifically, if the JVM property user.language is set to en, then WebLogic Web Services use the US-ASCII character set. If the user.language property is set to anything else, WebLogic Web Services use the UTF-8 character set.