Who am I


My name is Dong Wang, and I have been a software engineer for over 20 years. I currently specialize in Python and Go, but I have experience with a variety of programming languages, including Javascript, Perl, Lua, and Ruby. While I appreciate the power and flexibility of programming languages, I view them as tools to accomplish my work rather than objects of fascination.

In addition to software engineering, I am also a skilled database administrator with expertise in PostgreSQL, which I believe is the best database application available today. You may have come across some of my articles on PostgreSQL or databases.

About this site

Welcome to my personal blog, where I collect and record my thoughts and learnings. As part of my journey to improve my English, I’m writing down these things in English and hope they can help others as well.

My name is WD, which is also the abbreviation for West Digital. Unfortunately, this can be quite annoying since many people on Twitter approach me for help with their hard disk problems. SAD…

My wife’s nickname is CC, pronounced “cici” like her given name. I suggested that she change it to Cici, as there are no vowel letters in the name and people may have difficulty pronouncing it. However, she didn’t agree, and I can understand why. Upon reflection, I realized that my nickname is in the same situation, so I don’t think I’ll be changing it either… :)

Happy every day!

Good good study, day day up!